ACC Subsidy for Chiropractic services.

Advantage Chiropractic is ACC registered and can create and manage your ACC claims and provide you with Chiropractic care!
We can start your ACC claim and you DO NOT need a referral from your GP.
If you have had an injury or an accident in New Zealand, you can lodge your claim directly with us on your first visit.
Unsure? Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions about ACC!
Where did you get hurt
ACC will cover injuries that have happened at home (or out and about) during your private time. At work during work hours or even on your break.
What happened?
How did you hurt yourself? Did you fall over? Did you pick up something heavy and hurt yourself? Hit your head? Drop something on yourself? Playing a sport and twisting your leg? Get into some kind of crash? Basically, what was the physical impact that resulted in the injury?
When did it happen?
To be covered by ACC your injury needs to be within the last 12 months.
Still unsure?
If you are still not sure if your injury is covered by ACC. Give us a call or drop us an email with the details. We can help you understand and give you an answer. Sometimes we will need you to come in for a quick chat. Feel free to book a FREE Spine check and come chat with us!